Aircraft and spacecraft system analysis II
Methods and Tools for Design & Analysis I
Chair: Björn Jonsson
F1: Model Based Design within Conceptual Aircraft Design.
Ingo Staack, Linköping University
F2: Models Based on Singular Value Decomposition for Aircraft Design.
Petter Krus, Linköpings Universitet
F3: Computation of aerodynamic sound with aeroacoustics analogies using a low dispersion numerical method.
Raphaela Carvalho Machado, ITA
F4: Not presented – Not available
Aircraft and spacecraft system analysis IV
System Concept and Concept Evaluation
Chair: Emil Vinterhav
F5: Prediction of Physiological and Psychological Crew Performance under Various Thermal Conditions.
Jörg Schminder, Linköpings universitet
F6: The Virtual TUrbine Module Demonstrator (VITUM) research project.
Peter Johansson, GKN Aerospace
F7: Experimental evaluation of the contribution of adding a motion system to an EDS.
Anderson Harayashiki Moreira, Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia
Aircraft and spacecraft system analysis VIII
Safety 1
Chair: Emil Vinterhav
F8: An Integrated Approach for Safety and Security Analysis in Embedded Systems Development.
Celso Hirata, Instituto Tecnológico de Aernáutica
F9: Hidden failure scenarios of an aircraft collector fuel tank.
Heitor Azuma Kagueiama, Federal University of Santa Catarina
Aircraft and spacecraft system analysis XII
Safety 2
Chair: Emil Vinterhav
F11: Using the Unscented Transform to Assess Systems Reliability.
Jose Edil Guimaraes De Medeiros, University of Brasilia
F12: Not presented – Not available
F13: Not presented – Not available