Sub-system and system technology II
EWS, Radar Development
Chair: Odd Romell
C1: Spiral Development of Radar and Electronic Warfare RF Sensors – It’s about Critical Mass.
Fredrik Wising, Saab AB
C2: Pushing the envelope with Gallium Nitride technology.
Johan Carlert, Saab AB
C3: What’s inside the building?
Patrik Dammert, Saab AB
C4: Iterative Change Detection Algorithm for Low-Frequency UWB SAR.
Renato Machado, UFSM
Aircraft and spacecraft system analysis III
Future Combat Air Systems
Chair: Roger Larsson
C5: Exploration of Future Combat Air System in a 2040 perspective.
Stefan Andersson, Saab AB
C6: How to integrate and validate disruptive technologies within Future Combat Air System.
Peter Furenbäck, Saab AB
C7: Artificial Bandits and Wingmen – A Framework for FCAS Scenario Analysis.
Henrique Marques, Aeronautics Institute of Technology
Aircraft and spacecraft system analysis VII
Simulation 1
Chair: Björn Kullberg
C8: Tool Support for Credibility Assessment of Aircraft System Simulators.
Magnus Eek, Saab AB
C9: Experimental Evaluation of a Robotic Flight Simulator based on FOQA.
Diego Arjoni, ITA-Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
C10: Not presented – Not available
Aircraft and spacecraft system analysis XI
Simulation 2. Auto Landing System
Chair: Odd Romell
C11: Grey-box Modelling of a Quadrotor Using Closed-loop Data.
Marcus Bäck, Saab AB
C12: Formal Modeling of Run-Time Reconfigurable SoCs for Fault Tolerance Avionics Applications.
Ingo Sander, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
C13: Longitudinal automatic landing system using robust QFT controller for a military aircraft.
Adriellen Sousa, IFSC