FT2016 – session track G

Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology I
Flow Control. Subscale Flight Testing
Chair: Petter Krus

G1: Numerical study of leading- edge flow control on a low sig- nature UCAV.
Magnus Tormalm, Swedish Defence Research Agency

G2: Subscale flight testing of a generic fighter aircraft.
David Lundström, Linköpings University

G3: Subscale Ground and Flight Testing Methodologies for Advanced Aircraft Design.
Roberto Silva, IVA

G4: Wind Tunnel Experiments of Winglet, C-wing, Droop and Fences coupled to a ”Blended Wing Body” Model.
Hernàn Ceron-Muños

Aircraft and spacecraft system analysis V
Methods and Tools for Design & Analysis 2
Chair: Vijay Sharan

G5: Schedulability analysis and worst case execution time estimation in cyber physical systems.
Abdeldjalil Boudjadar, Linköpings Universitet

G6: Not presented – Not available

G7: Knowledge-based flight control system and control surfaces integration in rapid.
Raghu Chaitanya Munjulury, Linköping University

Aircraft and spacecraft technology VII
Spacecraft Technology
Chair: Odd Romell

G8: Not presented – Not available

G9: Analysis of REXUS12’s Suaineadh Experiment: Centrifugal Force Deployment of Space Web from Sounding Rocket.
Huina Mao, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

G10: Modelling and control of a long flexible guyed structure.
Paola Gonzalez Ramos, UNICAMP

Aircraft and spacecraft technology X
Materials and Structural Technology
Chair: Tomas Melin

G11: An invariant-based design approach to carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite laminates.
Jose Daniel Melo, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte

G12: Conceptual structural airframe design using topology optimization.
Erik Holmberg, Saab AB

G13: Liquid feedstock plasma spraying – an emerging process for the next generation aircraft engines.
Nicolaie Markocsan, University West


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