Stockholm – 2018-10-16 Två föredrag: Om SARC och om ”Subscale Flight Testing”

The Swedish Aeronautical Research Center (SARC)
– presenter: Ingo Staack, PhD, Linköping University.
Subscale Flight Testing Research at LiU
– presenter: Alejandro Sobrón, PhD Candidate, Linköping University.

PLATS: KTH Sal E52, Osquars backe 14  KARTA

TID: Tisdagen 16 oktober 18:00

The newly established Swedish Aeronautical Research Center (SARC) will be presented including the next planed activities, focusing on aeronautical PhD students. The motivation, strategy and vision of SARC is explained and possible collaboration and a joint research project are being presented.

Subscale Flight Testing is a smart way to include domain-specific free flying aircraft models during the early stages of the development process. Alejandro Sobron will give a short introduction to Subscale Flight Testing research conducted at LiU. A special focus will be on test execution and scaling laws/strategies to gain design information from the scaled prototype as well as (measurement data based) system identification.

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